
Admission test for students applying for postgraduate studies

19 Jun 2023

The Department of Civil Engineering announces that an admission test will be held for students applying for postgraduate studies (Master - Ph.D) on Sunday 6-8-2023 for both master's and doctoral students applying to enroll in postgraduate studies

The Examiners Committee consists of:

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Zaidan (specialization of soil mechanics and foundations)
Prof. Dr. Kamal Ghamry (specialization of construction)

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Shaaban (specialization of reinforced concrete)

Prof. Dr. Nasser Zaki (specialization of metal structures)

Prof. Dr. Amr El-Khouly (project management )

At ten am

For inquiries, contact the professor, head of the department, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Shaaban, or the secretary of the department council, Sahar Abdel Salam

Chairman of the Department Council

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Shaaban Abd Al-Hay Gabr